Soon You’ll Regret

Soon you’ll forget her scent and the sounds she makes when she has a nightmare. You’ll forget how her hands perfectly fit in yours, how her eyes twinkle like little stars in the nighttime sky and the many details you once fell in love with: the lines on her back that outline her bones, the stretch marks on her thighs and the wrinkles around her eyes.

Soon you won’t notice that her clothes don’t fit her anymore or that her bones are weary and her skin is pale. Then one day, you’ll look at her and see that she has lines drawn on her face and days printed on her hands. You’ll notice that her smile changed throughout the years and when she looks at you with the same passion, with the same love, with the same innocence as she did the night she said “I love you,” you’ll regret leaving her unnoticed.


Love, Alyazya

24 thoughts on “Soon You’ll Regret

  1. Thank you for your beautiful post. In two brief paragraphs you creatively used all five senses to describe a love lost. When I flip the images I capture what love has given and can never be taken away. My memory stands a vigilant guard. Ray

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